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What you can expect from Barcombe Church

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Our vision

A friendly church serving the village of Barcombe

At Barcombe Church, we desire to know, love, follow and make known Jesus Christ. There's a place for you here no matter what your age, stage or background, and whether or not you'd call yourself a Christian yet. We'd love for you to join us at a Sunday service or at one of the other events we run.




Our faith

At the heart of everything we do

Barcombe Church is part of the Church of England.

We are a biblical church, which means that we believe that the Bible is the authoritative word of God.


We are an orthodox church, which means that we believe what the universal church has always taught, on both doctrine and the proper pattern for our lives.


We are an Anglican church, which means that we believe that the historic formularies of the Church of England (namely the Book of Common Prayer, The XXXIX Articles, and the Ordinal) express this biblical and orthodox inheritance. 

We are an outward-looking church, which means we believe that the good news of Jesus Christ is for all people.


Our buildings

Where we meet

Barcombe parish has two churches.

Most of our services take place at St Mary's (Church Road, BN8 5TS), the parish church. St Mary's has a modern, roomy church hall and kitchen attached available for hire - we call it The Conker Room.

Some services and other activities take place at St Francis (High Street, BN8 5TS), a former Calvinist chapel just off the mini roundabout at Barcombe Cross.

St Bartholomew's, the former Church in Spithurst, is closed now. The churchyard in Spithurst remains open for burials.


The commitment of the leadership and volunteers at Barcombe Church is at the heart of what makes us a living, thriving church.

We are dedicated to serving the community and seeing people's lives transformed by Jesus Christ.

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